2020 WA Cadet Leadership Camp – L-R Mollie Wallace – Dwellingup BFB, Annette Wilson – Tom Price SES (Instructor), Morghan Sattler – Coolup BFB
Earlier this month, volunteer cadets from Mullalyup, Kangaroo Gully, Coolup, Dwellingup, Nannup, Bunbury & Dunsborough Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades participated in the week long Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) WA Senior Cadet Leadership Camp.

2020 WA Cadet Leadership Camp – L-R Kyle Brensell – Australind SHS ESCC, Lachlan Davies – Bunbury BFB, Morghan Sattler – Coolup BFB, Mollie Wallace – Dwellingup BFB
The next generation of bushies were joined by cadets from various emergency services in the state, including volunteer fire and rescue cadets, State Emergency Services cadets, emergency services cadet corps and youth in emergency services program cadets.
Held from the 1st to the 7th of October and based in Tom Price, the 21 cadets aged from 14 to 18 participated in a variety of leadership and skill building activities. Including trekking up Mount Bruce, climbing Mount Nameless and abseiling and roping through the gorges in Karijini National Park.

2020 WA Cadet Leadership Camp – L-R Kieran Kotulla – Mullalyup BFB, Harrison Scott – Nannup BFB, Brielle Hunt- Dunsborough BFB, Jennifer Sperrer – Kangaroo Gully BFB
Overall the feedback from the cadets who attended the camp was great, they were grateful for the opportunity to learn important skills that will help them be the greatest future emergency service leaders that they can be. Onya team!
The association is currently on the lookout for some Youth Representatives for our State Committee. If you know an eager cadet, or if this is something you’re interested in being involved with, zip us an email or DM us on socials.

2020 WA Cadet Leadership Camp – At Paraburdoo Airport waiting to fly home firm friends