Who is Bushfire Volunteers?
Western Australia is privileged to have over 20 000 Volunteer Bush Fire Fighters and Support personnel, who are based at approximately 560 Local Government Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades throughout the State.
These volunteers give their time freely to undertake training and to attend incidents, and our communities are reliant on them to protect life and property against wildfire and other emergencies.
Bushfire Volunteers, formerly known as The Association of Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades of Western Australia (Inc), represents all Volunteer Bush Fire Fighters in WA. The
Association is the advocacy agency for the State’s Local Government Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades and was formed by the volunteers as the peak representative body.
The current structure of the Association was incorporated in 1991 as an organisation that champions for the health, welfare, safety and interests of Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades, but in history the Association dates back to federation where communities came together to combat fire.
Are you a Member?
Every registered member of a Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade in Western Australia is automatically a Bushfire Volunteer member. Our Mission is to represent you and advocate for your health, well-being, safety and interests of all Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades in WA.
We have representatives in every region of the state who are normal volunteer brigade members like you. These delegates get together to advocate any issues that are of concern to you and Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades generally.
Your support and advice is always required to help us forge the way ahead for safer and productive relationships.