Chittering Incident Support Brigade 15 year reunion December 2020 – Cr John Curtis, ISB Captain Peter Hall, ISB Life Member Paul Groves, Assistant Commissioner Metropolitan Operations Jon Broomhall, Life Member Raylene Groves, Shire of Chittering CEO Matthew Gilfellon, Life Member DJ Baum, Life Member John Williams, Cr Carmel Ross, Life Member Bob Smillie, Cr Mary Angus, Shire of Chittering CESM Dave Carrol.
This past Saturday, Chittering Incident Support Brigade, located in the Shire of Chittering, held their 15 Year Brigade Reunion at the Chinkabee Bowling Club in Bindoon.
A great afternoon was had by both current and past members of the Brigade, as well as family members and friends who attended. With a variety of refreshments thoroughly enjoyed by all involved thanks to a generous $500 gift card donated by the Coles Group and distributed by Bushfire Volunteers.

Chittering Incident Support Brigade 15 year reunion December 2020 – Sue Tough and John Williams
During the formal proceedings that opened up the afternoon, Life Memberships were awarded to past/current members Paul Groves, Raylene Groves, John Williams, Bob Smillie and DJ Baum, who also received the Life Membership for her husband Don Baum (deceased), for their exceptional contribution and service to the Brigade over time.
Bushfire Volunteers would like to take this time to formally congratulate all of the Life Members for their extended contribution to the Brigade, and as such their local community. Thank you for your service and continuing to volunteer your time to keep your town and others safe.

Chittering Incident Support Brigade 15 year reunion December 2020 – Life Member DJ Baum
Other attendees included the Department of Fire and Emergency Services Assistant Commissioner Metropolitan Operations Jon Broomhall, Shire of Chittering CEO Matthew Gilfellon, Shire of Chittering CESM Dave Carrol, and Bushfire Volunteers Media and Communications Manager Sinead Burke, as well as many other volunteer members and town locals.

Chittering Incident Support Brigade 15 year reunion December 2020 –
With the weather heating up, we’d like to take a moment to remind you all to keep safe out there and make sure to check in with your neighbours and friends to see how you can help over the current bushfire season.
And, don’t forget #bvsgotyourback ?

Chittering Incident Support Brigade 15 year reunion December 2020 – Assistant Commissioner Metropolitan Operations Jon Broomhall, ISB Captain Peter Hall, Shire of Chittering CESM Dave Carroll