Bushfire Volunteers’ President Dave Gossage joined volunteers from Bush Fire Brigades in Kukerin, Moulyinning, Nippering, Dongolocking and Dumbleyung, at a community breakfast held by the Dumbleyung Community Resource Centre in Moulyinning today.
This informal ‘Thank a Volunteer’ get together, was open to all volunteers in the Shire of Dumbleyung, with food provided by use of $500 gift cards donated by the Coles Group and distributed by Bushfire Volunteers.
President Dave Gossage AFSM said there was a decent turn-out for the morning, considering it was only 4.1 °C, with representatives Darryl and Alby from the Local Dumbleyung police in attendance, vollies on the barbie and a few well-lit log fires around to keep the chill out of the air.
“It was a cold frosty morning with a very low fog, but there was still a great atmosphere for all who attended,” Dave said.

Dumbleyung post seeding Thank you Volunteers Breakfast June 2020
Social distancing guidelines and hygiene practices were adhered to of course, with handwashing stations made available as well as other means to ensure safety.
The Association would like to say thank you again to our friends, the Dumbleyung Community Centre for hosting this breakfast, specifically Davina for all of the effort she put into organising this event and Coles of course, for kindly providing the gift card that made it possible.
Keep up the great work and don’t forget to keep supporting local in any way you can!