Bushfire Volunteers / WA Farmers member forum – Merredin 19 August 2020

Bushfire Volunteers / WA Farmers member forum – Merredin 19 August 2020

Our wonderful Farmer Engagement Partner, WAFarmers, have collaborated with the Bushfire Volunteers WA team and planned a number of forums in various towns across our amazing state to discuss topics relevant to your farm, brigade and regional communities.

After super successful events in Albany and Northam, the team will be at the Merredin Regional Community And Leisure Centre on Wednesday 19th of August and the event will include presentations from Bushfire Volunteers about some of the current big issues and projects we are working on, Ley Webster’s presentation on Seasonal Harvest Labour and WAFarmers’ talking Election Priorities.

This free event will run from 2:30pm, include afternoon tea and conclude by 5.30pm .

For those wishing to stay on and have dinner with us, WAFarmers and their corporate supporters have generously agreed to also cover the cost of your meal.

We look forward to welcoming both members and non members to our event. Register early to reserve your place.

Places are limited – click here to register NOW to reserve your FREE spot.


By |2020-08-13T09:23:16+08:00August 13th, 2020|Consultation, Member Consultation, WAFarmers Regional Roadshow|Comments Off on Bushfire Volunteers / WA Farmers member forum – Merredin 19 August 2020

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