• McGowan Government supporting 35 local Thank A Volunteer Day events
  • 80 per cent of Western Australians 15 years or older volunteer each year
  • Minister for Volunteering visiting Nannup Community Resource Centre for Thank A Volunteer Day celebrations

Western Australia will today join worldwide celebrations marking International Volunteer Day – with the McGowan Government supporting 35 Thank A Volunteer Day community events around the State.

The State Government has provided small grants to 35 community organisations and local governments to enable them to hold events which recognise and celebrate local volunteers.

Events are being held around the State – from Perth all the way to Esperance, out east to the Wheatbelt, and north to Kununurra.

Thank A Volunteer Day events – including lunches, barbecues, movie sessions and other social events – enable communities to express their gratitude to volunteers who donate their time and effort to improve the lives of others.

Volunteering Minister Mick Murray will today visit the Nannup Community Resource Centre to join in their Thank A Volunteer Day celebrations – meeting with staff and volunteers who connect the community to a range of local services and activities.

The McGowan Government provided more than $33,000 to organisations around the State to hold local events this year.

International Volunteer Day is celebrated annually in Western Australia and around the world, and aims to raise awareness of the important role volunteers play.

Comments attributed to Volunteering Minister Mick Murray:

“It is so important that the State’s volunteers are recognised for their dedication to improving the lives of others in their communities.

“While nobody volunteers for the recognition or the plaudits, a simple ‘thank you’ from the community is so important.

“Without our volunteers, many organisations would not exist, weekend sport would not happen, community fundraising would be impossible, and many vital social services would fall short.

“Put simply, Western Australia would not be the place it is without our volunteers. The State Government thanks all Western Australians who donate their time to improve the lives of others.”
