• First-of-its-kind annual member consultation process launched for up to 20,000 volunteers
  • Volunteers encouraged to complete the survey at https://www.bushfire.org.au/yourvoice
  • Paper-based surveys will be posted to all registered Bush Fire Brigades in the next week for those with internet access limitations.
  • Workshops planned include Esperance, Albany, Busselton, Collie, Geraldton, Merredin, Perth.

The peak body for Western Australia’s largest emergency service has today launched its inaugural “Your Voice” survey of members.

Bushfire Volunteers President Dave Gossage AFSM said he was extremely proud that the association has secured the resources required to develop and launch the unique annual consultation process.

“For the first time, we will contact every member brigade and invite every single volunteer to share their thoughts about their volunteering, brigade and rural fire management,” Mr Gossage said.

“The association has always punched above its weight with the limited resources it has had.”

“But with more than 20,000 volunteers working from 550+ registered brigades spread all across the state, even our most dedicated elected zone representatives haven’t been able to be available to everyone.”

“We know this is a challenge for any representative body – heck, even well-resourced Members of Parliament don’t get to speak with all of their constituents in a four-year term. However, after some lateral thinking, planning and the hard work our members are famous for, I am very excited to be able to announce today’s launch of what we plan to become our annual consultation process.”

“Every year from now on, the ‘Your Voice’ process will begin after the south-west fire season with individual volunteer surveys. The input from those surveys will be used to shape a series of regional workshops which will focus working groups at ConEx – our annual convention and exhibition.”

“COVID-19 and some yet to be resolved state government funding issues means ConEx wasn’t able to proceed this year, but we have decided to proceed with the individual surveys and regional workshops.”

“Despite many hurdles, we are very proud to be forging ahead with new initiatives like this to better engage with, support, and represent the views of the amazing women and men of WA’s Bush Fire Service,” Mr Gossage concluded.